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Andrew Porter

BA(Hons)Theatre Arts (Acting) Manchester Metropolitan University


Year, Type of Production, Character, Name of Production, Production Company, Director


2017, Feature Film, Nicky Watson, Scott and Sid, Dreamchasers Films, Scott Elliott

2016, Feature Film, Damian, BAD DAY FOR THE CUT, Six Mile Hill Productions, Chris Baugh

2015, Feature Film, Sofa Shopper, A Patch of Fog, Fyzz Facility Film Three, Michael Lennox

2015, Short Film, The Other Boyfriend, Unhappy Endings, DeNovo Pictures, The Benson Brothers

2014, Feature Film, Detective Cranston, Noirland, Coral Moon Productions, Philip Henry

2013, TV Film, Shipping Clerk, Stumpys Brae, Sixmilehill BBC NI, Chris Baugh

2012, Short Film, SP, Boys From County Hell, Sixmilehill, Chris Baugh

2011, Internet, Mario, Laycee's Leaving, Banjax Productions, Joseph Campo

2011, Short Film, Van Driver, Jogged, Red Ray Films, Richard Crawford

2011, Short Film, Westermark, Tosser, De Novo Pictures, Benson Brothers

2011, Television, RUC Man, Brendan Smyth - A Betrayal Of Trust, BBC NI, Michael McDowell

2010, Short Film, Ronan, Hardy Hands, Northern Ireland Screen, Chris Baugh

2009, Short Film, Dillan, Photograph, DeNovo Pictures, Benson Brothers

​2004, Television, Short, Titanic - Birth of a Legend, Granada, Bill Lyons

2001, Feature Film, Kevin, H3, Metropolitan Films, Les Blair

2000, Television, RUC Man , In Cold Blood, Stirling, John Carlin

1999, Short Film, Egghead, I Was the Cigarette Girl, BBC NI, Peter Kavanagh

2010 - present

2010 - present


2013, Stage, Various, DERRY KIRK TRILOGY, Blue Eagle Productions, Jonathon Burgess

2008, Pantomime, Thumbs, Chauffeur, Skeleton, SLEEPING BEAUTY, Ulster Theatre Company, Michael Poynor

2008, Stage, The Innkeeper, THE STAGECOACH, Blue Eagle Productions, Catriona McLaughlin

2008, Stage, Various Roles, THE RECRUITING OFFICER, Blue Eagle Productions, Catriona McLaughlin

2008, Stage, Clincher Jr., THE CONSTANT COUPLE, Blue Eagle Productions, Ben De Wynter

2008, Rehearsed Reading, Roebuck, LOVE IN A BOTTLE, Blue Eagle Productions, Dave Duggan

2008, Rehearsed Reading, Aimwell, THE BEAUX STRATAGEM, Blue Eagle Poductions, Dave Duggan

2007, Pantomime, Thumbs, Chauffeur, Skeleton, SLEEPING BEAUTY, Ulster Theatre Company, Michael Poynor

2007, Stage, Cuhullain, Cuhullain, Cahoots NI, Zoe Seaton

2006, Pantomime, Giant, Cow, JACK AND THE BEANSTALK, Ulster Theatre Company, Michael Poynor

2006, Stage, Warren , One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Rawlife Theatre Company, Martin McSharry

2005, Stage, Policeman / Cover Mosca, Volpone, Royal Exchange Manchester, Greg Herzov

2004, Stage, Jake, Stones In His Pockets, Mark Goucher LTD, Ian McIllhinney

2003, Stage, Edward, Someone Who'll Watch Over Me, Write Stuff Theatre Company, John Cunningham


2006, Adverisement, Geoff, Northern Choice Account, Northern Bank Commercial

Skills and Accents - All at a high standard.

Accents & Dialects:(* = native)
American-Southern States, American-Standard, Belfast, Cockney, Donegal, Galway, Heightened RP, Irish-Northern*, Irish-Southern, London, RP
Music & Dance:
Drums, Guitar
Childrens Theatre, Comedy, Live Roleplay, Physical Theatre, Role Play, Theatre In Education
Badminton*, Basketball, Cricket*, Fishing*, Football, Golf*, Pool*, Rugby, Stage Combat*, Tennis
Vehicle Licences:
Car Driving Licence
Other Skills:
Alexander Technique, Drama Workshop Leader, Parade Marching, Poker, Writer

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